59 products
Invertor de tensiune AlcaPower by President 150W alimentare 24V, iesire 230V, Soft Start, unda sinus modificata, mufa de bricheta

Invertor de tensiune AlcaPower by President 150W alimentare 24V, iesire 230V, Soft Start, unda sinus modificata, mufa de bricheta

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Product Details

Invertor de tensiune AlcaPower by President 150W alimentare 24V, iesire 230V, Soft Start, unda sinus modificata, mufa de bricheta Caracteristici:Frecventa de lucru: 50Hz ± 3Hz;Dimensiune recomandata cablu: min 2.5mmp;Putere maxima de iesire: 450W (pentru scurt timp);Eficienta: 90%;Lungime cablu: 80 cm;Forma de unda iesire: Sinusoida modificata;Temperatura de depozitare: -20°C ~ +55°C;Umiditate: ≤ 90%;Consum in stand-by: 0.36A.
59 products

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4.29 (17 Reviews)

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