63 products
Sirop de Afine cu Miere, 500ML

Sirop de Afine cu Miere, 500ML

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Product Details

Sirop de Afine cu Miere, 500ML Contine: sirop de zahar invertit, extract de afine, (corespunde unui continut in afine de 200 g/L ), miere de albine (67,5 g/L), acid lactic. Afinele sunt bogate in antocianozide, flavone, procianidoli, vitaminele A, C, E, B1, B2, saruri minerale : K, Ca, P, Mg. Actiune: mineralizanta, antidiareica, diuretica, stimulatoare a acuitatii vizuale, antioxidanta, tonica.
63 products

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4.29 (17 Reviews)

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