2406 products
Cropp - Bluză pentru femei - Alb

Cropp - Bluză pentru femei - Alb

RRP: 45.99 lei

29.99 lei
This product is no longer available.

Product Details

  • croială scurtă și mulată
  • model fără mâneci

Înălţimea modelului: 172 cm

Modelul pentru femei disponibil cu mărimile S

LPP, the owner of Cropp, is proud to partner with the Cotton made in Africa initiative (CmiA), an internationally recognised standard for sustainable cotton grown by African smallholder farmers. We demand CmiA-verified cotton and thereby helping farmers gain access to sustainable production methods. The CmiA-verified cotton we use in our supply chain has a considerably lower environmental footprint than conventional cotton. The initiative supports rural communities in Africa.

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An initiative of the Aid by Trade Foundation

2406 products

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